
Hello, I am Yogacharya Gowrishankarananda the Acharya & founder of the Atmalaya® Ashram, Atmalaya® Meditation Program, and the Yoga Sadhana Foundation. This Blog is established to post various activities of the Ashram & its students. Through this Blog we will allow comments and questions to occur as well as offer advice for Spiritual Sadhana.


a great group for the 2009 Pranava Kriya Weekend Intensive In Calgary

Some of the same students for the 2009 Ekadasi Retreat In Calgary
In a variation of Sarvangasana

Here I'm in a variation of Raja Padmasana in Sarvangasana

In April of 2004 with the late professor T.R. Anantharaman the "Kula Acharya" at Ashram Atmadeep In Gurgaon accepting my membership into the prestigious Indian Academy of Yoga

Here is a picture of the Sublime Murthi of Shri Hanumanji at the Hanuman Temple in Taos, New Mexico when I was there in June of 2010

A rare serious moment with the famous Swami Anadakapila Saraswati

Jeremy in Vrikshasana

Devadas's version of Vrikshasana

Here I am with our Mahant Yogacharya Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani. Behind us is a painting of one of our Paramparai's illustrious Gurus, Swami Kanakananda (Ram Gopal Mujamdar - The Sleepless Saint) This picture is taken in 2003 at the Ananda Ashram in Tamil Nadu, South India.