Yogacharya Gowrishankarananda spent 6 years completing a University Education in Sports Therapy and Exercise physiology. Having worked for 23 years facilitating human potentiality in the areas of health, wellness, and Yoga he has become an internationally recognized public speaker, author of over a dozen published articles, and facilitator to thousands of students. Focusing on Yoga as Seva and teaching by example he encourages students to take up the Yogic path as a way of life thereby gaining self mastery through energy cultivation, and conscious evolution, guiding us to live to our full potential.
Yogacharya Gowrishankarananda is of the Brighu Rishi Paramparai (Lineage) and today he is the founder of the Atmalaya® Ashram, The Atmalaya® Meditation program and the Yoga Sadhana Foundation. Having been initiated into hundreds of esoteric Yogic practices at the Ananda Ashram where he lived in south India he has been deemed fit by his example to guide others on the “Yogic Path”. Attaining an internationally recognized 1500 hr Yoga Teachers Certification (over 3 times the number of hours required for the highest North American certification) from the International Center for Yoga Education and Research he now offers in Calgary, Canada an extremely powerful, and authentic form of Yoga from an unbroken lineage of Yoga Gurus and Acharyas. Recognized by the International Yoga Federation and the World Yoga Congress, Yogacharya Gowrishankarananda was also given the rare honor of being voted into the Indian Academy of Yoga as a life member. In July of 2004 the Senior Acharya,
Smt Yogacharini Yogamani Pudavai Kalaimamani Meenakshi Devi Bhavanani and the Mahant of the order, Yogacharya Dr. Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani Giri gave Gowrishankarananda their permission for him to found an Ashram, and to offer the Canadian Teacher Training prerequisite program for acceptance into the international program in Pondicherry South India. Later that same month the grace of his guru Mata Amritanandamayi Devi was showered upon Gowrishankarananda as she gave him her permission and blessings to found, as the Acharya, an international Yoga Sadhana Foundation whose purpose is to propagate the teachings of Yoga.
Yogacharya Gowrishankarananda offers through the Rishi Yoga Mandir a system of Yoga that is highly esteemed in India but virtually unknown in North America that could best be described as a complete classical system of Yoga. While all styles of Yoga can contribute to personal growth much of the Yoga that is taught in the west is a very diluted and is usually a narrowly focused form of Yoga that primarily emphasizes the Asanas (Poses). Through the step by step progression of Yogic practices taught in this Bengali Tantric system of Classical Ashtanga Yoga anyone can move towards gaining better health, Self Mastery, and a happier more fulfilling existence. Yogacharya Gowrishankarananda guides students to their inner Guru though the Yogic paths of Hatha Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Kriya Yoga, Tantra Yoga, Yantra Yoga, Raja Yoga, Laya Yoga, Karma Yoga and Jnana Yoga. Interested students will have the opportunity to study and disseminate the ancient Yogic scriptures to facilitate higher understanding. As well as offering group classes, individual classes are also offered to facilitate heightened understanding, greater inner awareness, and initiations into new practices. Individual classes can also be utilized for Yoga Chikitsa (therapy) and Kaya Kalpa (rejuvenation) sessions.
The Brighu Rishi Paramparai (lineage) dates back almost 7000 years to the origins of Yoga and the original Sapta Rishis (seven Yogic seers). Very few unbroken lineages are still in existence today and those that are, are almost impossible for westerners to study from. This unbroken lineage offers a powerful psychic connection that can literally progress a sincere student at a much more accelerated rate of consciousness. Because of the power of these teachings and their connection through the Paramparai, the Acharya has a profound responsibility and must therefore be extremely conscious regarding to whom he teaches what, and when to teach it in the appropriate way. It is because of this responsibility that students are accepted only after expressing a sincere interest in Yoga and then must go through an interview process to determine the appropriate path to follow. While utilizing modern teaching methodologies the far more advanced yogic teaching practices of the east are employed to advance sincere students along the spiritual path of Yoga.
Yogacharya Gowrishankarananda is of the Brighu Rishi Paramparai (Lineage) and today he is the founder of the Atmalaya® Ashram, The Atmalaya® Meditation program and the Yoga Sadhana Foundation. Having been initiated into hundreds of esoteric Yogic practices at the Ananda Ashram where he lived in south India he has been deemed fit by his example to guide others on the “Yogic Path”. Attaining an internationally recognized 1500 hr Yoga Teachers Certification (over 3 times the number of hours required for the highest North American certification) from the International Center for Yoga Education and Research he now offers in Calgary, Canada an extremely powerful, and authentic form of Yoga from an unbroken lineage of Yoga Gurus and Acharyas. Recognized by the International Yoga Federation and the World Yoga Congress, Yogacharya Gowrishankarananda was also given the rare honor of being voted into the Indian Academy of Yoga as a life member. In July of 2004 the Senior Acharya,
Smt Yogacharini Yogamani Pudavai Kalaimamani Meenakshi Devi Bhavanani and the Mahant of the order, Yogacharya Dr. Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani Giri gave Gowrishankarananda their permission for him to found an Ashram, and to offer the Canadian Teacher Training prerequisite program for acceptance into the international program in Pondicherry South India. Later that same month the grace of his guru Mata Amritanandamayi Devi was showered upon Gowrishankarananda as she gave him her permission and blessings to found, as the Acharya, an international Yoga Sadhana Foundation whose purpose is to propagate the teachings of Yoga.
Yogacharya Gowrishankarananda offers through the Rishi Yoga Mandir a system of Yoga that is highly esteemed in India but virtually unknown in North America that could best be described as a complete classical system of Yoga. While all styles of Yoga can contribute to personal growth much of the Yoga that is taught in the west is a very diluted and is usually a narrowly focused form of Yoga that primarily emphasizes the Asanas (Poses). Through the step by step progression of Yogic practices taught in this Bengali Tantric system of Classical Ashtanga Yoga anyone can move towards gaining better health, Self Mastery, and a happier more fulfilling existence. Yogacharya Gowrishankarananda guides students to their inner Guru though the Yogic paths of Hatha Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Kriya Yoga, Tantra Yoga, Yantra Yoga, Raja Yoga, Laya Yoga, Karma Yoga and Jnana Yoga. Interested students will have the opportunity to study and disseminate the ancient Yogic scriptures to facilitate higher understanding. As well as offering group classes, individual classes are also offered to facilitate heightened understanding, greater inner awareness, and initiations into new practices. Individual classes can also be utilized for Yoga Chikitsa (therapy) and Kaya Kalpa (rejuvenation) sessions.
The Brighu Rishi Paramparai (lineage) dates back almost 7000 years to the origins of Yoga and the original Sapta Rishis (seven Yogic seers). Very few unbroken lineages are still in existence today and those that are, are almost impossible for westerners to study from. This unbroken lineage offers a powerful psychic connection that can literally progress a sincere student at a much more accelerated rate of consciousness. Because of the power of these teachings and their connection through the Paramparai, the Acharya has a profound responsibility and must therefore be extremely conscious regarding to whom he teaches what, and when to teach it in the appropriate way. It is because of this responsibility that students are accepted only after expressing a sincere interest in Yoga and then must go through an interview process to determine the appropriate path to follow. While utilizing modern teaching methodologies the far more advanced yogic teaching practices of the east are employed to advance sincere students along the spiritual path of Yoga.
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